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Sunday, March 25, 2012

You Already Know How To Be Wealthy!

You Already Know
How To Be Wealthy!

  • Discover the fundamentals of being wealthy
  • Learn how to change your way of thinking
  • Describe your financial future

  Becoming Wealthy isn’t particularly difficult. Some people start their own business, others invest in real estate or the stockmarket, and others just live within their means and save. No, you do not have to be wealthy to begin with nor do you need to earn a particularly high income. The trouble is, most people don't really know what they want from life, except a vague notion to be wealthy. Even people who own their own business often fall into the same trap of not really knowing where their business is heading. In other words, they have no Wealth Plan.

The First Fundamental of a Wealth Plan   In our consumer society, the word, "Save," has taken on a new meaning. We generally use it to mean "spend less." "Regular price $20. Buy now and SAVE $5.00" But that isn't saving $5.00 - it's spending $15.00! Saving is to not buy the item and deposit the $15.00 in a savings account!

Change Your Way of Thinking About Money
  About 100 years ago, a study was begun that took a very practical approach to this problem. A journalist was asked by one of the wealthiest men of the time to interview all the most wealthy people to learn how they became wealthy, and share it with all those people who were not wealthy. The journalist was Napoleon Hill and his wealthy patron was Andrew Carnegie. The book that resulted was "The Law of Success," from which the more famous, "Think and Grow Rich," was condensed. Unfortunately, this later book has been hijacked by people who would have you believe there is a secret to great wealth, the very idea that Andrew Carnegie wanted to dispel. Let me say here clearly — there is no secret to becoming wealthy!
    In "Think and Grow Rich,"  the first chapter is entitled, "Thoughts are Things." Napoleon Hill sets the stage by establishing the prime movers for turning thoughts into wealth – definiteness of purpose, persistence and desire. But, that's obvious, isn't it? You know that already, right? The main principle is definite purpose – Life Purpose. What Napoleon Hill learned from Carnegie's wealthy friends was simply this — everyone already knows how to be wealthy, and the first step to becoming wealthy is to have a definite purpose – a plan!
    As your mentor, I will show you how to discover your Life Purpose and how to build your Wealth Plan.

  Success is built into in every man, woman and child on this planet – through "known principles." It is part of your human makeup. The great Zig Ziglar says, "Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness." That is true, and it will be my job as your coach to draw out your greatness.
    Are you ready for that? Are you ready to be great?
        (Yes, Frederick! I want you to mentor me, NOW!)
 You already know how to be successful. Once you understand this concept, the rest of your journey becomes a mere technical process of building upon what you already know. This is immensely important in getting the most out of your plans and your goals. And your Frederick Pearce Coaching Relationship.

Describe your financial future
  Right now, take a sheet of paper and write down all the things you want to improve, and all the things you will no longer accept in your life. Describe these things in detail. Decide the type of life you intend to live from now on. Decide NOW about the changes you will make happen that will turn your life and your business into the success you know they can be.
    This list is going to be the basis of your WEALTH PLAN. Make sure your list is complete, because in a few months from now, you will be well on the way to achieving all those things and will probably have already accomplished many of them.
    You know how to be successful. You know how to become wealthy. Let everyone else chase after the latest "trick" — start using what you already know! Send me your list and I'll show you how to accomplish it!

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